Congressional Theater

TrilSouth Off the Dome
2 min readOct 13, 2020

Remember when they used to do something other than just speak?

Blah blah blah blah, blah! I just made my first congressional speech. Equivalent to the Amy Coney Barrett speeches that started today. Both sides waiting for their turn to speak and say something to get a night spot on CNN MSNBC or Fox News. They're acting for their own agenda to elevate themselves.

When was it real and when did they do something other than talk? Well it wasn't as long ago as it seems. We’re in a time of social media and video everywhere and that has helped. Is your congress working for you or the viral video? It’s the video, not you. They want ad material, social media video and clips to be repeated on the networks endlessly. They work for their ego and occasionally for you. Mostly their ego, oh yeah and their bank account. So you're not even in second place anymore.

So keep in mind voting does help but it’s not everything. Ignore the congressional theater for now and vote. But be ready to follow up that vote with a boycott, march, protest or more. We’re in crazy times so spend some of that time stuck at home educating yourself and researching. They work for us and if someone is your employee and they don't do as they are hired to do you suspend them or fire them.



TrilSouth Off the Dome

TrillSouth DigiPimp of — Southern hip hop & Politics / Prepare for the worst and hope for the best / Democratic Socialist