Trump Fascism Level Growing

TrilSouth Off the Dome
3 min readNov 6, 2020

I've been talking about this on Twitter in the past few days. I thought Donald Trump was very much a fascist but I thought he was a weak fascist. He is not very smart or educated and aware of a lot of things. He had many wannabe fascists advising him but he still wasn't smart enough to put it together.

I still don't believe he's entirely smart enough to put it together but his actions have moved it up a bit. In previous days I saw him at a 3 or 4 and it has gradually increased a little since the election night. However I see it now as moving up to level 6.

To explain that I see someone like Kim Jong Un as a level 10. He does not accept any press questioning or any going against him in his own country. He calls North Korea a democracy and his votes are all illegitimate. But he still holds the votes to make it seem democratic.

In the past few days Trump has continued to disenfranchise voters across the country. Previous to the election he encouraged his supporters to vote in person during a pandemic. Many who are not part of the Trump cult voted via mail which has been done more than before simply because of the pandemic. So to be safe many people voted by mail. The country has many rules about this that really haven't changed. The states have their own process for counting votes and handling mail in ballots all of which is safe and secure and fraud is almost nonexistent.

Trump has decided since he is a reality TV clown that if your vote was not on the day of it doesn't count. So he told all of his cult followers to vote on the day of. Many of them still voted by mail which is how much of his family has done for many years. Voting by mail is very secure and the county takes longer as each state has different rules as to when the votes are counted and addded up.

What appears on TV has never been more than a projection. Not the actual final verdict. The large media has been become very good at projections. However this year they couldn't actually project because so much was being held in mail and to be counted in many states on the day of or the next day which can take several days. The votes are not certified in each of the states until the last week of November or the first week of December. This has not changed that is when the final vote is ultimately certified and known.

Today because Twitter has been blocking some of trumps false tweets. He decided to do a press conference without any questions from the press. So it was a show for him to ramble from the White House podium about the election not being valid and the Democrats are stealing it as he says. This is false so he is desperate, disenfranchising millions and talking falsely about the election. Thus I have increased his fascist level up to 6 and still rising.



TrilSouth Off the Dome

TrillSouth DigiPimp of — Southern hip hop & Politics / Prepare for the worst and hope for the best / Democratic Socialist